Margaret Walsh was the second child born to Elizabeth and Michael Walsh. She had 3 sisters, Mary, Henrietta and Helen 2 brothers John and Joseph. Margaret was born 9/03/08, from that day forward the world was a much better place. She truly touched many lives during her 89 years on earth.
My mom grew up on Ilif Avenue in Price Hill in the early 1900's with her parents, sibblings and her beloved Aunt Mae. She married Frank Monahan. Early in their marriage they had four boys, Gene, Jack, Bill and Joe. After four active boys she must have been very tired because she waited 12 years to give birth to her first daughter, Ruth. She always told us how upset she was when she found out she was pregnant since she did not know how she would be feed and take care of another child. When she finally had her beautiful little daughter, she was happy with her little suprise and her last child. Oops, 1 year, 2 weeks and 2 days later another bouncing baby girl arrived. If she thought she was upset with her first suprise, she was devestated by her second arrival, Kathleen and finally the last child.
Margaret had many trials and tribulations during her life, seldom did she compain and usually had a beautiful smile she shared with all those around her. She never knew how she was going to feed and clothe her family but some how she always pulled thru. We never had steak or anything you could recognize as steak but she always had wonderful meals on our table.
When her sons were growing up they moved into many homes in Price Hill. In 1950 she purchased her first home with the help of her oldest son. Finally a home she could call her own at 1921 Duebber Dr. She lost her husband Frank in 1974 and lived alone until she discovered squirrels in her attic. She decided she had enough of living alone and accepted the very generous offer from Ruth and Dave to live with them.
She lived with Ruth and Dave and their three children for 17 years. She was well, happy and active up until she became ill in February of 1998. She was diagnosed with stomach cancer. She moved in with me since I did not work outside my home and she needed constant care. I also needed her since I had quilt feelings of not making the same generous offer my sister did. So I tried to cram 17 years of loving care into 4 short months.
She passed away on 8/09/98 shortly before her 90th birthday with four of her children, Jack, Bill, Joe and Ruth at her side. All of her children and their spouses took an active role in the care of their ailing mother in her final days. These may have been the hardest and the happiest days of her life for she was the happiest with all of her children by her side. I was the only one missing that day, hopefully mom had cut out a picture from her memory of me and pasted it in the middle of her loving children.
There will be more stories about my angel mother later and then I will explain the pasted picture.
I have never been able to write beautiful letters or put my feelings down on paper for the world to see but I have made an exception in this case. Please ignore any spelling or grammer errors, you all know that I never excelled in academics. If you don't remember, I have copies of my report cards from St. Dominics. Does any one remember what an "E" was, well I do , I used to get them on my report cards.
Thank you so much for the exception. I'm sure you will touch many other hearts as you have touched mine tonight. I can't even express how greatful I am for this story and hopefully many more to come from many different avenues. I was hesitant about doing the site because I too have trouble with spelling and grammer, but with the help of my siblings I'm so proud of it.
when your heart is in the right place, the puncuation (sp?) doesn't have to be.
Thank you for sharing the story. I didn't know your mother as well as her children and grandchildren did; but, I knew that she was a special lady. I always enjoyed the few chances I got to visit with her. I think it is so important to share these memories, thank for writing.
I'm sure the E on your report card must have been for Excellent. :)
Amy Monahan
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